Dune 2000 Save Game Editor
dune 2000 save game editor

Save games are stored on a specially formatted disk and the game could.This Save game is exactly what you neeed to get all levels, items faster Campaign completed for all factions and completed for PC Dune 2000: Long Live the Fighters Game Save. Here you will find various Save Game files which help you to have all items or missions in your game.

dune 2000 save game editor

Place concrete slabs before placing structures. What's more the missile barrages should have stopped making the chances of you surviving the level far higher.1. Start the game and load the saved level 9 position.You now have loads of credits at your disposal and all of your tanks have changed into the more powerful Sonic variety.

Watch the state of all your structures and repair them when necessary - it costs spice but it's usually cheaper than building replacements.2. It's worth upgrading the heavy factory several times on later levels so you can produce a mobile construction vehicle. Upgrade the light vehicle and heavy vehicle factories as soon as you can so you can produce siege tanks.

Keep an eye on the state of the turrets and repair them when necessary.3. Put half a dozen turrets on the extremities of the slabs and with a bit of luck they should see off most of the attackers before they get too close. You need to upgrade the construction yard to be able to build them but you're going to do that anyway aren't you? Spot where the enemy are attacking from - they always attack from the same direction - and place concrete slabs on the rock in that direction.

Find a line containing:And change the number after the Maxunit to 99This cheat involves editing one of the Dune2 files, so remember to back up before you start fiddling around. You need to use a fast trike or quad to explore the map and find spice fields and enemy harvesters and then you simply do everything possible to destroy the harvesters.If you want to use/build more than 25 units use a Hex editor to edit the scenario.pak file. On the later levels it's extremely important to restrict the amount of spice the enemy mines because spice runs out extremely quickly. If there isn't an unbroken line of rock consider using a mobile construction vehicle to establish a construction yard on a piece of rock close to the enemy which you can then use as a base for extending the range of your turrets.4. When you attack the turrets are able to give your units covering fire and you find yourself with a significant advantage. If there is create a pathway of concrete slabs along the rock and position rocket turreys close to the enemy base.

dune 2000 save game editor

Remember that the file scenario.pak contains all the info about structures and units at the start of the level, so have a fiddle and give yourself some better units. Play on and enjoy your cash. This will give you 65535 credits, although it looks like you have -1 at the start (the credits will go down to -32767 then flip to positive 32767).

I don't know if it will crash or not, as I have avoided doing this).1. Devastator, Sonic Tank) to other houses (just remember that no matter what affiliation a Deviator Tank may be, it still turns units to Ordos, which is not very good for the game if there is no Ordos player. I have discovered that overdoing this hack can cause the game to crash when you try to restart the scenario, and editing Level 1 just doesn't work at all, however you can still have some fun, and give house-specific units (e.g.

Remember that low two bit comes first. Using hex editor, open the saved game.6. Using scientific calculator find the corresponding hex number for the cash you had in the game. On the main menu, press Alt+tab, so that you don't have to quit the game to cheat.4. This will make sure that there is only one place that is needed to be changed.3.

Don't try to "ffffff", because it'll cause the game to crash. It will give maximum amount of cash. But you should look for 6013, instead.

I took the offset values with xe, an hex editor for dos, which I use to edit all my savegames.You do not need to put concrete underneath an entire building. So far, I only noticed a change up to byte 24344 (hex). If you've already made something in the game, the proper position will not be exactly that, but it won't change much. Enjoy the game and crush other two houses!!When you start a mission (at least with the Atreides), if you save it as soon as you start, your spice credits will be stored in byte 24354 (hex).

I did see, however, thatThe Gamefaqs site needed one, so, I am going to go back into the gameThis game is a lot like Command and Conquer series, as that you do allCommands the same way. Strategy games and RPGs are my type of game, but Dune2000 is one I haven't played in a long while. This will save on spice and the number of concrete slabs to be built.Hello, y'all.

Dune 2000 Save Game Editor How To Write One

I am (or was) very far in both of the other houses, but IHaven't beaten them yet. But, I will experiment, and, write the best FAQFirst of all, I haven't played the game much, and I beat the AtreidesMissions. I only see aNeed for a FAQ in RPGs, and I really don't know how to write one forStrategy games yet.

No walkthrough yet, but It'll/////// I. Well, enjoy the FAQ!Also, these strategies are for the EASY category!! They will probablyWork for medium (just requires more speed and slightly differentStrategy) but hard players will probably never find a FAQwriter that11/30/99 V. I will beat the ORDOS missions eventually, but I wantTo get the FAQ finished A.S.A.P. If you haveAny information on beating the _ORDOS_ missions, then please tell me! IAm pretty good at these games, and are revered by other players, but, IAm not a master.

Sounds intriguing,That such a selfish Emperor would make such an offer.The houses have accepted the challenge, and all of them are arriving atDune to compete for their precious prize. The victor not onlyGains mining rights, but the Governor ship of Dune. He is the leader of House Corrino, who trainsThe emperor recently made a three of the most powerfulHouses, all of which are hostile to each other. The Spice can lengthen life, power ships, accomplishCurrently, the Padishah Emperor, Federick IV, is the ruler of theEntire known universe. It is the only place in the entireKnown universe that houses the very powerful substance known as theSpice Melange.

dune 2000 save game editor